Daniel Waldispühl – psychotherapist ASP
In therapy, I orientate myself to your concerns and to building a trusting relationship.
Depending on the issue and the needs, I work:
- activating resources
- experience-oriented
- experimentally
- systemically
- with gestalt therapy
- body-oriented
- with home assignments
- 2009-2014 Training as a psychotherapist, Institute for Body-centered Psychotherapy (Institut für Körperzentrierte Psychotherapie, IKP) Zürich
- 2009-2012 Training as internship manager and teacher coach, University of Fribourg
- 1999-2008 Studies in the University of Fribourg: Pedagogical psychology, Applied psychology (with advanced studies in clinical psychology) and Religious studies. Licentiate and high school teacher diploma in all three subjects.
- 1996-1999 Educational and social high school Wettingen
- 1995-1996 Certified middle school (Diplommittelschule, DMS) Wettingen
- 1994-1995 Verkehrschule Olten
Work experience
- Psychological counseling for students, Fribourg universitiy, since 2018
- Collaboration with child protection services and victims of domestic crime (LAVI), since 2018
- Own psychotherapy practice, since 2017
- Couple and family counceling centre Fribourg, 2013-2017
- EX-Pression, offender therapy, since 2011
- StoppMännergewalt, offender therapy, 2012-2013
- University psychiatric services Bern (Universitäre Psychiatrische Dienste Bern, UPD), crisis intervention, 50 %, (1.8.2010-31.3.2011)
- Sociocultural animator, University of Fribourg, (40%) 2005-2007
- Teacher of psychology and pedagogy, St. Michael high school, since 2004
- Astrame, support for children in separation situaltions, 2015-2017
- Streetwork SIP Langenthal, 2011-2013
- Teacher of psychology and pedagogy, NMS Bern high school, 12 %, 2009-2012
- Junglehelpline: Counceling centre for young people, University of Fribourg, 2000-2006
Further education
- Workshop Psychodrama Helvetia, 11.-12.11.2022
- Sociodrama in Couples Therapy, 13.11.2022
- Workshop «Umgang mit psychischen Störungen im Schulalltag», 23.8.2022
- Workshop «Therapy for parents with violent behavior», 23.6.2022
- Therapeutic boxing. SVGS, 15.-16.5.2021
- Psychotraumatology: Inner Stabilisation. IKP 15.-16.6.2020
- International psychodrama conference for working with children, youth, and families, 23.-25.9.2016 in Basel
- Practice seminar « Patchwork families », IEF, 18.11.2015
- Astrame : « The child and the separation of parents » 28.-29.9.2015
- Intervention with perpetrators of spousal and family violence, ViFa, 25-27.11.2013
- Aggression management, University psychiatric services Bern (UPD), 8.-12.11.2010
- Module 1 CAS « Internship managing and teacher coaching », University of Fribourg, 2009-2010 (20 days)
- Violence counceling: Training centre Irsee, 18.4.-20.4.2012
- Module 2 CAS « Internship managing and teacher coaching », University of Fribourg, 2009-2010 (20 days)
- Further training on different topics: sexology, suicide, alcohol abuse, gambling and game addiction